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About breweries.hey-australia.com

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in Australia
Welcome to the Australia´s most updated site for finding breweries. breweries.hey-australia.com guides you to breweries in Australia!
  • Locations for 1463 breweries
  • Venue descriptions, that the brewery keep up to date
  • Our popularity-ranking between 0 and 10 indicates how popular the brewery are on Facebook. The ranking is based on visitors ("checkins"), Facebook-likes and a number of other factors. The ranking is updated weekly!

    Are you the owner of a brewery?

    Help us keep the information on breweries.hey-australia.com up-to-date. You can change...
    • The venue description: Please go the your page on the site and update the venue description and the basic information about the brewery. Click on the links "Update description" or "Change info".
    • The ranking: To give your venue a better ranking on the site, please ask your visitors to "check in" at your place via Facebook. You can also encourage your visitors to like your page on Facebook. More checkins and likes on Facebook results in a better ranking for your venue!
    • Photos: To get more and better photos on the site, encourage your visitors to take photos on Instagram, and to tag them geographically, with your venue, when they upload it. You can also post images via Instagram, yourself.
    Please note that always will be TOTALLY FREE to have your venue listed on breweries.hey-australia.com. The site gets it's revenues from ads - NOT from and hidden fees from breweries. That way we can keep the site independent and unbiased.

    Add a brewery on the site...

    Is a brewery missing? This is how you add it:
    1. Check that the brewery is on Facebook. Are you not sure? Go to Facebook and search for the brewery.
    2. If the brewery is NOT on Facebook, go to Facebook and add it here. Choose the alternative "Local Business or Place".
    3. Double check the the information about the venue is correct and that the venue has been correctly positioned on the map on Facebook.
    4. Check that your venue is correctly categorized, as brewery.
    5. When the venue is on Facebook, people can "check in" there using Facebook on mobile. Please encourage your visitors to do that! If more people check in, the venue will get a much better ranking on Breweries.

    Contact us:

    • Are you running a brewery and want to change your information on breweries.hey-australia.com? For example the venue description, address, phone number, opening hours and more? Follow the instructions here.
    • Do you want to change the information on the site for some other reason? Follow the instructions here.
    If you have a more complicated question, contact us on

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